ESBC Announces the First Ever Bitcoin Node Run by a Student Organization


We are thrilled to announce that the European Students Blockchain Coalition (ESBC) has successfully launched the first-ever Bitcoin node run by a student organization. This milestone marks a significant achievement in our ongoing mission to actively contribute to the blockchain community and to participate meaningfully within the network. This announcement follows our discussions at the Paris Blockchain Week, where we emphasized the importance of direct participation in blockchain networks.

Why ESBC Launched a Bitcoin Node

During the Paris Blockchain Week, we highlighted the necessity of active participation in the blockchain ecosystem. Our goal has always been to move beyond theoretical knowledge and engage practically with the technology that underpins decentralized networks. By running a Bitcoin node, ESBC aims to contribute to the robustness, security, and decentralization of the Bitcoin network. This initiative allows us to take a hands-on approach, providing our members with invaluable experience and understanding of blockchain operations.

Special Thanks to BTC Direct

We extend our heartfelt thanks to BTC Direct for providing us with the opportunity and resources to set up our own Bitcoin node using a Raspberry Pi. Their support has been instrumental in making this project a reality, and we are grateful for their commitment to fostering innovation and education in the blockchain space.

What is a Bitcoin Node?

A Bitcoin node is a computer that participates in the Bitcoin network by following and enforcing the consensus rules of the blockchain. Nodes verify transactions, propagate them across the network, and store a copy of the entire blockchain. By running a node, we help maintain the integrity of the Bitcoin network, ensuring that transactions are processed securely and efficiently.

What is a Raspberry Pi?

A Raspberry Pi is a small, affordable, single-board computer that is widely used for educational purposes and DIY projects. It is powerful enough to run a Bitcoin node, making it an ideal tool for educational initiatives like ours. Setting up a Bitcoin node on a Raspberry Pi provides a hands-on learning experience, allowing students to understand the practical aspects of blockchain technology.

Our Commitment to Active Participation

At ESBC, we are dedicated to furthering our involvement in various blockchain networks. Running a Bitcoin node is just the beginning. We aim to engage in more projects that enhance our practical knowledge and contribute to the decentralized ecosystem. Whether it’s participating in the development of new blockchain solutions, contributing to existing networks, or fostering collaboration among students, we are committed to being active participants in the blockchain revolution.


The launch of our Bitcoin node represents a significant step forward for ESBC and the broader student blockchain community. It exemplifies our commitment to moving from theory to practice and making tangible contributions to the blockchain space. We look forward to expanding our efforts and continuing to foster innovation and education within the blockchain ecosystem.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. Together, we can drive the future of blockchain technology forward. 🌐🚀

This article was written by Rodrigo van Asseldonk. Rodrigo is a third year honoursstudent Law & Corporate Finance at the Radboud University Nijmege

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