ESBC Officially Incorporated as a Foundation under Dutch Law


We are excited to announce that the European Students Blockchain Coalition (ESBC) is now officially incorporated as a non-profit foundation under Dutch law. This significant milestone was made possible thanks to the generous support of the Open Campus grant. This formal recognition solidifies our commitment to fostering blockchain education and innovation across Europe.

Special Thanks to Open Campus (EDU Token)

We extend our sincere gratitude to Open Campus for their invaluable support. Open Campus, through its EDU Token, is dedicated to democratizing education by creating decentralized and community-governed learning environments. Their grants and resources empower educational initiatives like ours, enabling us to advance our mission and reach a broader audience. The Open Campus platform allows educators and learners to create, share, and access educational content while earning EDU Tokens, fostering a more inclusive and collaborative educational ecosystem.

Why ESBC Needed Formal Incorporation

Formally incorporating as a foundation under Dutch law was a crucial step for ESBC. This formal recognition not only enhances our credibility but also enables us to operate more effectively and transparently. As a recognized legal entity, we can engage in partnerships, apply for grants, and participate in projects that require formal institutional backing. Incorporation also helps in establishing a solid governance structure, ensuring that our activities are aligned with our mission and values.

What is a Foundation under Dutch Law?

A foundation (Stichting) under Dutch law is a legal entity established to achieve a specific purpose, typically non-profit. It is governed by a board of directors and does not have shareholders or members. The primary goal of a foundation is to carry out activities that serve the public interest, and any profits generated must be reinvested into its mission. This structure provides a stable and sustainable framework for organizations dedicated to social, cultural, or educational causes.

The Importance of Being a Foundation

Being incorporated as a foundation under Dutch law offers several advantages:

  1. Credibility and Trust: As a legally recognized entity, we can build greater trust with our partners, sponsors, and the broader community.
  2. Access to Funding: Formal incorporation opens up opportunities to apply for grants and funding that require legal status.
  3. Operational Stability: A structured governance framework ensures that our activities are conducted transparently and in accordance with our mission.
  4. Partnership Opportunities: We can engage in formal partnerships and collaborations with other organizations, institutions, and stakeholders in the blockchain and educational sectors.


The official incorporation of ESBC as a foundation marks a pivotal moment in our journey. It reflects our growth and commitment to advancing blockchain education and innovation. With the support of Open Campus and the recognition as a legal entity, we are better positioned to make a lasting impact on the blockchain community and beyond.

We look forward to continuing our work, expanding our initiatives, and collaborating with partners who share our vision of a decentralized and democratized educational landscape. Thank you for your support and for being a part of our journey.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates and opportunities from ESBC as we embark on this new chapter! 🌐🚀

This article was written by Rodrigo van Asseldonk. Rodrigo is a third year honoursstudent Law & Corporate Finance at the Radboud University Nijmege

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